Parenting for a Peaceful World, 2nd Ed.

English books

By (author)  Robin Grille
Foreword by  Mitch Hall

Imagine a world where war, tyranny, human rights abuses and ecological destruction are relics of the past. What if the means to create such a reality were in the hands of mothers and fathers, and all those involved in the care and education of children? Parenting for a Peaceful World is a fascinating look at how parenting customs have shaped societies and major world events. It reveals how children adapt to different parenting styles and how these early experiences underpin the adults they become. In this expansive book, Robin Grille draws on revolutionary new research to argue that the safeguarding of children's emotional development is the key to creating a more peaceful and harmonious world. Parenting for a Peaceful World is a book for parents, child health professionals, and adults learning to be whole again. It is a manifesto for policy-makers and a resource for teachers. If the findings outlined in these pages are put into practice, the result may be a revolution of peace, humanity, and a world beyond our imagining.

Publisher: Robin Grille Press
Pages: 500 pages
Size: 152 x 229 x 28mm
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780992360405
Publication date: 31 Oct 2013

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