Stockmar Wax Crayons - 12 blocks + 12 crayons (Waldorf assortment)



Everyone has heard of Stockmar Wax Blocks and Crayons. It is no surprise. They meet the highest educational, aesthetic and artistic demands. Elegant design with an attractive packaging and pleasant fragrance, Stockmar Wax Blocks and Crayons appeal to the child’s senses. How the colours shine and how versatile they are! Whether drawing, painting, generously applying, layering, scraping, and melting colours, Stockmar Wax Blocks and Crayons promise years of pure drawing pleasure. Outstanding drawing properties (no crumbling, sticking, smudging etc), non-toxic and a sound concept for art education are what make Stockmar Wax Blocks and Crayons top of the list.

Perfect fit for a child’s hand

  • Secure and stable in the hand
  • Perfect for two-dimensional drawing
  • Key ingredient: pure beeswax
  • Harmonious matched colours
  • Colours are strong and transparent
  • Suitable for many drawing and colouring techniques
  • Virtually unbreakable
  • Clean and pleasant to handle

Stockmar's official website offers more ideas for using the Wax Blocks and Crayons.

Product content:
Wooden box or cloth bag (depends on stock availability)
12 blocks each 41x23x12 mm; 12 crayons each 83mm long and diameter of 12mm;
Color: 01 carmine red | 02 vermilion | 03 light orange | 04 golden yellow | 05 lemon yellow | 06 yellow green | 07 green | 09 blue | 12 purple | 13 rust | 14 yellow brown | 18 Prussian blue

About Stockmar

Based in Schleswig-Holstein, the Stockmar company has been making quality products for art and art teaching for many decades. Hans Stockmar started with beekeeping products and beeswax candles in 1922. Acting on the suggestion of certain art teachers he soon proceeded to develop his modelling wax, and more than 50 years ago the classic Stockmar wax crayon was then created. The watercolours and wax sheets came later.All Stockmar art supplies are made in Germany, non-toxic, harmless.

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