Biographical Work : The Anthroposophical Basis

English books

By (author) Gudrun Burkhard , Translated by Cristina D'Agostino

An individual's life-story, or biography, can be explored to great effect by counsellors and therapists. Gudrun Burkhard, an experienced anthroposophical physician, has studied human biography for many years and counselled many individuals. This book presents her unique methodology and her insights into successful biographical counselling.
She describes the steps that practitioners should follow, which are based around seven-year cycles in an individual's life. She pays particular attention to the period of the twenties and early thirties. The book includes an analysis of Charlie Chaplin's biography that reveals fascinating insights about the man.


Publisher: Floris Books
Pages:  208 pages
Size: 156 x 234 x 17.78mm 
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780863155987
Publication date: 30 Jun 2007

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