Wizards (12 x Nins with hat)



It contains: 12 Nins® Wizards in the colours of the rainbow.

The 12 Nins® Wizards (with hat) become a material which can be used as a symbolic play, to create stories and Small Worlds. However, combined with other elements, they can be part of mathematical, language and sensorial games, among others. Moreover, this material is not structured, which allows for it to be used in a broad number of ways. They don’t have eyes,
or a gender. This way, it’s the children who can develop their own stories and it’s them who decide which character they are going to play with (a pirate, a vampire…etc.)

It can be combined with the classic Nins® (Ref 15-109), the Nins® babies (Ref 18-180) & Adult Nins (Ref 18-181 / 18-181B) to give shape to an infinity of family structures.

Recommended age: +10 months
It includes textile bag with GOT Certificate fabric.

About Grapat

Grapat is a family run business in Catalunya of Spain. It was started by parents who were inspired by their children's free play. Loose parts, open and unstructured material come to life when children transform them with their wildest imagination! 

Grapat toys are made using wood sourced from sustainable forests locally in Catalunya. The finishes are made with waxes and oils of vegetable origin. From 2019 onwards, Grapat eliminated 100% the use of plastic from its packaging to contribute to the reduction of waste on the planet.

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