Waldorf Rocker Board can be commonly found in Waldorf classrooms as it has great influence for children's development. It fully performs the open-ended play value in Waldorf world. They can be played with in such a wide variety of ways.
They were created to help children develop their sense of balance, and are also excellent for stimulating the vestibular system and a child's sense of proprioception (awareness of his or her physical body and its parts).
Fun to use indoors or outside!
Size: 92x33x20 cm
Style: Regular or Felted (on the bottom)
Made in China
Pre-order is available for this item, expected arrival time is around 1 - 2 weeks.
Please note that we DO NOT SHIP this bulky item by SF express to minimize potential damage during courier delivery. Customers can pick up this item at shop or self-arrange delivery by van (i.e. shipping charge to be negotiated and paid directly by customer to the van).
We generally recommend the felted board if you're worried about scratching the floor. In cases when the felt does get dirty, spot cleaning is an easy way to eliminate small stains. Take a soft cloth, wet it, and dab at the stain, using a tiny amount of delicate hand-washing detergent if it’s really bad.
You can then gently cut away any loose fibers that are visible after spot cleaning.
If you get any surface lint, dirt, or fuzz on your felt items, use a piece of clear tape or a lint roller to remove it easily!
Hope that helps!